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Meet the Principal

I love everything about Normandy Elementary from our Core Knowledge curriculum and staff, to our clear focus on creating a positive learning experience for our students. Our commitment to our students, families, and one another, along with our drive to live and work as a community, can be seen in all we say and do. We aren't just a school; we are a family!

Officially this is my 23rd year in education, however, my mom will tell you this is more like my 42nd year in education. My present has been influenced by my past. From teaching my teddy bears and stuffies when I was five years old, to teaching preschool students during high school,  then beginning my career in education with the Douglas County School District, to serving as the principal of Normandy Elementary I can truly say there is nowhere else I'd rather be than helping students grow and thrive! I know our world will be positively impacted by our students, and I am grateful to be a part of propelling them into their future lives and careers.

Normandy Elementary

Growing hearts and minds, exploring new knowledge and skills, and helping one another thrive!







Throughout my career, I have been a K-6 teacher, facilitated a model classroom for teachers to explore literacy instruction, served as an instructional coach, and walked alongside school communities as an assistant principal.  The memories I have serve as reminders, opportunities for improvement, celebrations, and a drive to learn and do more for students and families as they travel along their academic journey.

When I'm not here, I love being with family, and friends, and being in the outdoors. I dabble in photography and crafting, and I always attempt to learn something new each year.  In the past, I've learned to snowboard, sew, and play tennis, and I've fostered dogs.

This year I am diving into nosework with my dog, Steve. Finding joy in learning, even when it's challenging, is who I am at the core of my being.

I am looking forward to our year together and cannot wait to see you and your children.

Welcome back, Normandy Knights!

Contact Us

Principal Andrea Cosens